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Stone Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

What to Expect - Pre and Post Care

Acupuncture FAQs

Does Acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture has very minimal discomfort if no pain at all what so ever. Each patients pain tolerance will vary so some patients have minimal discomfort while others feel nothing at all. Some areas are generally more sensitive than others- the ears, hands and feet. For Cosmetic Acupuncture the T zone is generally the more sensitive areas.

How do I prepare for an Acupuncture treatment?

Make sure you have eaten something as well as properly hydrated prior to treatment. Wear comfortable clothing.

How long will the results last?

Acupuncture is safe at all ages and stages of life. It will do nothing except benefit your body in a positive way. As long as the patient can sit still for the 30 minute treatment they can receive Acupuncture in our clinic. 

Where do the needles go?

Each Acupuncture treatment is individualized. The needle placement will vary based on each persons condition and overall health history. After a complete health evaluation, the Acupuncturist chooses what channels and points to use.

What is cupping?

Cupping is a technique that uses negative pressure topically to break up soft tissue tension. The opposite of what the hands in bodywork have the ability to do. It can be used to release connective tissue bundles, nerve impingement, promote lymphatic drainage and rapid detoxification. Cupping can be used on the face for TMJ pain relief, wrinkles or blackhead removal.

Is it safe to get Acupuncture while pregnant?

Yes! Acupuncture is safe to assist with fertility, during the entire pregnancy and post pregnancy recovery. Acupuncture can be used for induction as well as a breech baby.

What should I do after Acupuncture?

Avoid strenuous activities. Light exercises/stretching are fine. Allow your body to continue to heal and find homeostasis. Drink water to aid in the detoxification process. You can shower/bathe as normal. You can apply products topically as normal post acupuncture. 

How much time should I wait in between Acupuncture treatments?

Acupuncture is safe at all ages and stages of life. It will do nothing except benefit your body in a positive way. As long as the patient can sit still for the 30 minute treatment they can receive Acupuncture in our clinic. 

How many needles does the Acupuncturist use?

Each treatment is customized so the needle count will vary. On average of 20-30 needles are used during each treatment. With the exception of Cosmetic Acupuncture. During Cosmetic Acupuncture 30-35 needles are placed in the face with the addition of supporting body points.

What can I except after cupping?

Cupping strongly promotes circulation by pulling blood and nutrients to the surface. Depending on how much stagnation of blood flow the patient has, the more pooling of blood they will have. This can look like a bruise on the surface. The intensity of bruising appearance and duration in which it will last varies from patient to patient. Lasting about 1 week is typical.

Facial cupping uses a different technique to reduce the likelihood of bruising.

How old do you have to be to get Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is safe at all ages and stages of life. It will do nothing except benefit your body in a positive way. As long as the patient can sit still for the entire 30 minute treatment they can receive Acupuncture in our clinic, no matter the age. 

How long until I see results?

Results will vary based on many factors with each patient. Such as the severity of the condition, how long you have had it, how young and healthy you already are as well as the frequency in which you are able to come in for acupuncture. The more frequent you are treated, with the treatments being closer together you will notice much greater results faster with more sustainable symptom relief. Someone who is not able to come in as frequent or close together will still notice results, it will just take longer to notice extended symptom relief. 

How long does each session take?

The initial visit will take approximately 90 minutes. All follow up appointments are approximately 60 minutes.

Do I take my clothes off?

Depending on needle placement disrobing may be needed. If the patient does not want to disrobe alternative needle placements can be chosen. Blacked out curtains are hanging in the group Acupuncture setting to allow for the ability to disrobe still if needed. (Similar to an open bay hospital setting)

Cosmetic Acupuncture FAQs

How long will it take for you to see a difference?

A minimum of 10 treatments in a row are recommended, twice per week. Results will vary depending on severity of skin condition.

Is there any downtime after Cosmetic Acupuncture?

No, there is no downtime post Cosmetic Acupuncture. You can return to your normal activities right after treatment with the exception of sun exposure. Minimal bruising is a potential but not guaranteed with this treatment.

Who CANNOT get Cosmetic Acupuncture?

Cosmetic Acupuncture is NOT suitable for patients who have used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last three months. No botox/fillers for two weeks. No cancer radiation to the skin within the last year. You cannot if you have any skin infection, or cold sores/herpes in the area. You cannot if you are pregnant. There is a caution with anyone taking blood thinners. There is a caution for anyone who suffers from migraine headaches.

Assisted Stretching FAQs

Do I keep my clothes on?

During an assisted stretching session clothes are kept on. Wear comfortable clothing that the body can move easily in. Assisted stretching can be added to a traditional massage therapy session in which the clothing may be removed. During this time all areas will be draped with the sheet.

Will the session be painful?

Stretching sessions are customized for each patients needs and comfort level. Communication is important to allow the practitioner the ability to give the most optimal and safe stretch.

How often should I be stretched?

It is recommended to have assisted stretching twice per week with at home recommended stretches in between. Being stretched more frequently would just allow for greater changes to happen more rapidly. 

Can I be stretched if I have had an injury?

Yes our trained licensed professionals have the ability to customize each treatment for individual patient needs.

Energy Work FAQs

Do I wear clothes during Energy Work?

Yes, disrobing is not necessary. Wear comfortable clothing to allow you to fully relax.

Is there touching involved during Energy Work?

Energy Work can be performed with or without the involvement of touching. It is up to the patient if they feel comfortable with or without physical touch.

What does Energy Work feel like?

Every person is different in the way they will feel. Most describe it as warm tingling sensations, waves or floating. A very peaceful experience. Becoming emotional is very common. 

Ionic Foot Detox FAQs

What does an Ionic Foot Detox Bath feel like?

Completely painless. Some report no sensation while others describe it as a tingling sensation in their feet.

Who can NOT do an Ionic Foot Detox Bath?

Pregnancy and/or breastfeeding, pacemakers or electrical implants, and active chemotherapy treatment cannot receive this treatment. 

How often can you do a foot detox bath?

Twice per week maximum.

How old do you have to be to get a foot detox bath?

In our clinic children ages 10+ with a parents consent can use the Ionic Foot Detox machine. Ages 10-18 receive less time. 

Injection Therapy FAQs







Kinesio Taping FAQs

How should I prep my skin for Kinesio Taping?

Skin should be free of any lotion, oil or sweat. The practitioner will cleanse the area with alcohol prior to placing the tape. Some will make sure the area is free of hair, to ensure more comfortable removal.

When do I remove the Kinesio Tape?

Remove the tape within 7 days after applying. Sometimes the tape can lose adhesive sooner depending on the area and oiliness of the skin.

How do I remove the Kinesio Tape?

The tape can be removed with any type of oil. Which is the preferred way. It can also be soaked off with warm soapy water.

Massage Therapy FAQs

Does Massage hurt?

Each massage is tailored to your specific needs and desires, allowing for the most comfortable experience. Pressure can be adjusted with both hands on massage and cupping therapy.

What can I except after cupping?

Cupping strongly promotes circulation by pulling blood and nutrients to the surface. Depending on how much stagnation of blood flow the patient has, the more pooling of blood they will have. This can look like a bruise on the surface. The intensity of bruising appearance and duration in which it will last varies from patient to patient. Lasting about 1 week is typical.

Facial cupping uses a different technique to reduce the likelihood of bruising.

Can I get a massage while pregnant? Is it safe?

Yes! It is safe to get massages throughout your entire pregnancy. Some believe there is a caution during your first trimester though. Our clinic has highly skilled and trained Massage Therapists and are comfortable performing Massage Therapy during all stages of pregnancy.  We have a massage table specifically for pregnancy, allowing for face down or side lying pregnancy massages.

What is cupping?

Cupping is a technique that uses negative pressure topically to break up soft tissue tension. The opposite of what the hands in bodywork have the ability to do. It can be used to release connective tissue bundles, nerve impingement, promote lymphatic drainage and rapid detoxification. Cupping can be used on the face for TMJ pain relief, wrinkles or blackhead removal.

PEMF Mat Therapy FAQs

What does PEMF stand for?

Pulsed electromagnetic field.

How old do you have to be to use a PEMF mat?

PEMF therapy is contraindicated for children who have not yet completed their growth phase. Which is around ages 15-19 depending on the sex and individual.

What does a PEMF mat feel like?

A light pulsing sensation flowing through the body.

Who CANNOT use the PEMF mat?

PEMF machines should not be used by anyone who has any metal in the body. A pacemaker or any other kind of electrical implant, cochlear implants, implanted metals, metal joint replacements, dental implants, mechanical heart valves, metal stents and metal staples. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy. It is not recommended for anyone that has had seizures within the last 5 years.

How often can a PEMF mat be used?

Our PEMF mat can be used daily. With a recommendation of twice per week minimum to notice the most optimal results. 

Facial Microneedling FAQs

How long will it take for you to see a difference?

The skin cycle is approximately every 30 days however skin rejuvenation can be visible as soon as two weeks after the procedure. A minimum of 3 treatments are recommended, one time per month. Results will vary depending on severity of skin condition.

How often can I get Microneedling?

Once per month maximum.

Can all skin types get Microneedling?

Microneedling is safe to use on all skin types and colors without risk of post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation because the epidermis is not damaged during the treatment.

Will there be facial peeling during the healing process?

Slight flaking of the skin can start approximately 5-7 days post procedure. Amount of shedding will vary from person to person. Once flaking has begun it can last for approximately one week.

How long is the downtime after Microneedling?

Inflammation and redness of the skin is temporary and reduces greatly within a few hours. It may remain slightly pink for up to 48 hours after treatment.

Who can NOT get Microneedling?

Microneedling is NOT suitable for patients who have used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last three months. No botox/fillers for two weeks. No cancer radiation to the skin within the last year. It is not recommended if you have any history of keloid or hypertrophic scars or poor wound healing. You cannot have open wounds, cuts or abrasions, any skin infection, or cold sores/herpes in the area. You cannot if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. There is a caution with anyone taking blood thinners.

Is Facial Microneedling painful?

Prior to the treatment, numbing cream is applied to minimize discomfort that is felt during the procedure.

How do I take care of my skin after the procedure?

Do not apply anything except water to the area for 24 hours post treatment. No makeup should be worn until day 3 post procedure. Minimal peeling may or may not occur. Aftercare is included in the treatment and can be started on day 2 after the procedure.  

Hair Growth Scalp Microneedling FAQs

How long will it take for you to see a difference?

A minimum of 3 treatments are recommended, one time per month. Results will vary depending on severity of hair loss. 

How often can I get Scalp Microneedling?

Once per week.

Will there be scalp peeling during the healing process?

Flaking of the scalp starting approximately 3-5 days post procedure is common. Amount of shedding will vary from person to person. Once flaking has begun it can last for 1-2 weeks.

Is Scalp Microneedling painful?

Minimal discomfort depending on the sensitivity of the patient. No numbing is used on the scalp. 

LED Facial Light FAQs

How long will it take to see a difference?

A minimum of 1-2 treatments weekly are recommended. With a recommendation of 10 treatments in a row. Results will vary with minor changes after the first treatment but an increase with each subsequent treatment. 

Is there any pain with LED Facial Light Therapy?

No! The treatment is completely painless.

Is there any downtime after LED Facial Light Therapy?

No, there is no downtime post LED Light Therapy. You can return to your normal activities right after treatment with the exception of sun exposure.

Do I wear eye protection during this teatment?

Yes. Disposable one time use eye protection is provided for you.

Can I go in the sun after LED Facial Light Therapy?

Avoid sun exposure for 5-7 days post treatment and always apply sunscreen prior to stepping out.

Who can NOT get LED Facial Light?

LED Facial Light Therapy is NOT suitable for patients who have used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last three months. No cancer radiation to the skin within the last year. You cannot have open wounds, cuts or abrasions, any skin infection, or cold sores/herpes in the area.

Qi Beauty Facial FAQs

Is the Qi Beauty Facial the same for everyone?

A Qi Beauty treatment is customized at the time of consultation depending on the health screening. Your skin is a reflection of your internal health. The facial matrix is placed on the skin in varying patterns for each individual's internal condition based on Chinese medicine principles. 

How often can Qi Beauty Facials be preformed?

Frequency will vary based on age and severity of skin condition. It is safe to receive a Qi Beauty Facial twice per week. The at home Qi Beauty protocol is recommended 2-3 x per week but can be done nightly. For a minimum of 30 minutes but overnight is best. 

Who can NOT get a Qi Beauty Facial?

Qi Beauty Facial is NOT suitable for patients who have used Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last three months. No botox/fillers for two weeks. No cancer radiation to the skin within the last year. Not allowed for patients with pacemakers or other electrical device implants. You cannot have open wounds, cuts or abrasions, any skin infection, or cold sores/herpes in the area. You cannot if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. People with gold allergies.

Does the Qi Beauty Facial hurt?

NO! The treatment is completely painless!

How long do results last?

Qi beauty guarantees results after just one treatment. Continued maintenance treatments and the home kit are recommended to maintain results and sustain life long skin health and vitality.

Is there any downtime after a Qi Beauty Facial?

There is no downtime, or recovery period following a Qi Beauty Facial. There are no bruising or side-effects. Qi Beauty treatments can be delivered up to twice a week for special events and occasions. Qi Beauty is the best treatment to have the day before, or on the day of a big event or celebration. 

Are the Qi Beauty pods reuseable?

No, with both the in house treatment as well as the at home kit. Once the power of the micro-stimulators has been spent on skin the magnets are of no use. However, Qi Beauty micro-stimulators can be recycled by grinding them up in a mortar and pestle and deposited into your garden.

Yoni Herbal Steaming FAQs

When is the best time of the month to do Yoni Steaming?

Yoni Steaming can be done weekly. Except for during menstruation. This is a general rule of thumb. A customized treatment plan will be recommended after a cycle health history review.

How is Yoni Steaming done?

Disrobe the lower half of your body and wear a gown around your torso. Sit on a yoni steaming throne with herbs diffusing beneath allowing the steam to penetrate the vaginal opening.

When can Yoni Steaming not be done?

  • Pregnancy

  • Menstruating

  • Fresh RED spotting

  • Extremely hot weather

  • Vaginal burning itch

  • After Insemination (or IUI/IVF transfer) when trying to conceive

  • When Prone to Continual Heavy or Spontaneous Bleeding between Periods 

  • Genital piercings must be removed because the heat will cause the piercing to burn you 

  • During a Herpes/Cold Sore genital outbreak.

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